"Rise Up!" by Joe Read 

Original song on Joe's solo album Community, inspired by the 2018 student and teacher protests against gun violence and devaluation of education in America. 

Music and performance by Joe Read. 

Lyric and video editing by Marcelle Greene.

"Downhearted Town" by The Textones

From the 2019 album Old Stone Gang, The Textones released the debut single "Downhearted Town" through record label Blue Elan. 

Joe Read on bass and vocals with Carla Olson, George Callins, Tom Jr. Morgan and Rick Hemmert. 

"Standing in Line" by The Textones

The Textones perform an old hit at the release party for their new album Old Stone Gang. Recorded live at the Federal Bar in North Hollywood on Sept. 21, 2018.

Joe Read on bass and harmony vocals with Carla Olson, George Callins, Tom Jr. Morgan and Rick Hemmert. 

"Midnight Mission" by The Textones

Promoting the debut album, this 1984 video supports the hit single highlighting homelessness in downtown Los Angeles. 

Joe Read on fretless bass and harmony vocals with Carla Olson, George Callins, Tom Jr. Morgan and Phil Seymour.

BBC's "The Tube" featuring The Call

BBC's live television program featured The Call in London during its European tour with Peter Gabriel to promote its 1983 album Scene Beyond Dreams. Performances include the hit "The Walls Came Down" and the title track. 

Joe Read on bass and vocals with Michael Been, Tom Ferrier, Jim Goodwin and Scot Musick.

"May the Road Rise Up" by Shanti

From a concert dedicated to percussionist Devapriya, the nu-folk band Shanti plays the first track from its debut album Songs From the Wheel

Joe Read on guitar and lead vocals with Denise Dobson and Peter Gill. 

"Child of the City " by Strapps

Promoting the single from its second album Secret Damage, Strapps performed live on the "Super Sonic" TV show in London, 1977.

Joe Read on bass and backing vocals with Ross Stagg, Noel Scott and Mick Underwood.